The Village Green Affair Read online

Page 17

‘Would a whiskey or something help you to sleep?’

  Liz shook her head. ‘No, thanks, I need a clear head.’

  ‘Well, we’re getting up now, I’ve just heard our alarm. You stay put and I’ll bring you up a cup of tea when I make the breakfast. If you’re asleep I won’t disturb you. I’ll close the door, OK?’

  Jimbo, who was stretching and turning over onto the warm patch Harriet had left, said, ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘Well, I certainly don’t. Who’ve you been talking to?’

  ‘Liz.’ Harriet sat on the bed trying to get her head together.

  Jimbo emerged from the duvet. ‘Liz? What does she want?’

  ‘A bed.’

  ‘A bed?’ Jimbo considered this strange state of affairs and then asked, ‘Has she said why?’

  ‘No. But she looks ghastly. Absolutely ghastly. I don’t think she’s slept all night. She looks totally drained. And she’s walking as though she’s done twenty miles before breakfast.’

  Jimbo put his not inconsiderable intelligence to the dilemma and came up with an answer. ‘This Titus business - it’s blown up in her face, hasn’t it?’

  Harriet disappeared into the en suite. ‘Could be.’

  Twenty minutes later, showered and dressed, Harriet tapped on Fran’s door. ‘Are you up, darling?’

  Neither Jimbo nor Harriet mentioned that Liz was asleep in the house until after Fran had left to catch the school bus. The cup of tea Harriet had promised wasn’t needed, as Liz was fast asleep.

  ‘She’s absolutely spark out, Jimbo,’ Harriet told him, as she came back downstairs. ‘What do you suppose has happened?’

  ‘The mind boggles. We’ll have to wait and see. Can the girls get on in the kitchen without you for a while? Best if you’re here when she wakes. I’m off to see these people about the wedding at the Abbey at Christmas. Our grade A menu, the casino with croupiers, the jukebox, the carriage and horses - you name it, Jimbo’s organizing it. Three-tier cake but twenty-first-century design. Please note, my dearest . . . are you hearing this?’

  ‘It’s this morning I’m worrying about. December can take care of itself.’

  ‘Oh, right.’

  ‘Has Neville thrown her out after she spent a night of hot passion on Titus’s sofa, do you think?’

  ‘You’ve a very lurid imagination this morning. You need half another hour of yoga to calm you down.’ He laughed as he kissed her goodbye. ‘Must be off. Promised to be there by nine and it’s already a quarter past eight. Lots of love, Harriet, my darling, and good luck.’ As he spoke he pointed a finger at the ceiling, and was glad he had a cast-iron excuse to leave the house.

  What the hell had happened last night? Honestly, one lived in a quiet village so quaint it didn’t even have street lighting or numbers on the houses, and yet all these things happened amongst seemingly sober citizens. Jimbo pulled away down Stocks Row and had to pause to wait for a car crossing in front of him. It was Neville Neal leaving for work in Culworth as he normally did. His driving was both fast and erratic, nothing like his usual precise style. Suddenly it struck Jimbo that maybe it hadn’t been a night of passion on Titus’s sofa that had brought Liz to their door, but something closer to home. Jimbo felt sick at the thought.

  Harriet didn’t hear a sound out of Liz until noon when she emerged from the bathroom, her looks only slightly improved.

  ‘Something to eat, Liz? What do you fancy, the breakfast you missed or lunch?’

  ‘Lunch. Please. May I use your phone? I forgot to bring mine.’

  ‘Feel free. Use the one in the study; it’s more private in there.’

  While Liz was in the study, Jimbo rang Harriet on her mobile. ‘It’s me. Any news? Are you free to talk?’

  ‘No news at all. Only just woken up. Are you coming for lunch?’

  ‘Er . . . er . . . no. She’ll find it easier to talk with me not there. I’ll accept this luncheon invitation I’ve received, OK? I’ll be back at about four.’

  ‘Coward!’ They both burst into laughter, then Jimbo said, ‘Bye-bye’ and rang off.

  The two of them sat on the bar stools in the kitchen for lunch. They ate soup, rolls, cheese, biscuits and fresh fruit. Liz didn’t speak except to say thank you, and neither did Harriet. It was the quietest lunch they’d shared since, well, since they first knew each other when Jimbo and Harriet were new to the village.

  ‘I’ve given myself the day off, so if you need to talk I’m here,’ said Harriet eventually. ‘If not, that’s fine by me. We can’t pretend nothing has happened, can we? Obviously something serious has. If you’d prefer, I won’t tell anyone that I have you staying, OK?’

  ‘Thank you, that’s how I want it. I’ve spoken to Titus and he’s coming to see me, if that’s all right.’

  ‘Of course it is. He’s a lovely chap. Really sweet and kind, but with lots of backbone, too.’

  A smile crossed Liz’s face, albeit of the fleeting kind.

  Harriet pressed on. ‘I’m glad he’s special to you. Everyone needs someone special.’

  Tears brimmed in Liz’s eyes. She snatched a tissue from the box on the kitchen worktop and rushed upstairs.

  Titus arrived at four o’clock, then disappeared upstairs without the tray of tea Harriet offered him, and she didn’t see him again until after Fran came home.

  ‘Mum! What’s going on? Who’s here?’

  ‘Why do you think someone’s here?’

  ‘There’s a different smell in the house.’

  Harriet swung round from the worktop and leaned against it. ‘Liz Neal is here, sleeping, and Titus Bellamy has just come to see her.’

  Fran, who took after her father for loving gossip, emptied her mouth of Blue Riband and asked, her eyes sparkling with fun, ‘Really? Whatever for?’

  ‘I shall be quite truthful with you, Fran.’ Fran went on red alert. ‘I honestly do not know why she’s here. But she’s very upset and has asked Titus to come to see her. That’s all I know. On my honour.’

  ‘Maybe he’ll tell us when he comes down. Is he staying for dinner?’

  ‘Not that I know of, but I shall invite him.’

  They heard footsteps coming slowly down the stairs. When Titus came to stand in the kitchen doorway, the sparkle in Fran’s eyes disappeared, because it was plain to see the gossip didn’t appear to be fun. She said quietly, ‘I’ll go and start my homework, Mum,’ and disappeared as quickly as she could.

  Harriet looked up at Titus and began to smile, but that quickly changed to distress when she saw his expression. He raised a hand as though begging for understanding, and shook his head at her. Because she didn’t know what to say, she handed him a glass of water. ‘Oh, Titus. What the hell. Has he . . .’

  The fearful answer was written all over his face.

  ‘Oh, God. No.’ Harriet gripped the edge of the worktop to steady herself.

  Titus drank some of the water and then placed the glass down. ‘I’m going to find somewhere for her to live. Could she stay one more night?’

  ‘Of course, no need to ask.’

  ‘She’s hiding. She doesn’t want anyone to know where she is.’ Titus stopped speaking and stood quite still with a hand over his forehead shielding his eyes. ‘Oh, God. I don’t know what to do.’

  Instinctively Harriet went to put her arms around him to give him at least a little comfort.

  The front door opened. It was Jimbo. ‘Harriet?’

  Jimbo arrived in the kitchen and stood looking at them. Eventually he said, ‘Sorry about all this, Titus. How can we help?’

  Titus and Harriet broke apart. Titus rubbed his face with his hands to clear his head and said, ‘Liz needs some clothes. I wonder, Harriet, if you would go across the road with Liz and me to collect her things. I don’t think she should go by herself.’

  Jimbo answered before Harriet could. ‘Absolutely not. You never know what you might have to face. I’ll come.’

  ‘I don’t mind, J

  ‘I mind.’

  ‘I’ve just said I don’t—’

  Jimbo bellowed, ‘Harriet! You are not going.’

  ‘You’ve had a long day.’

  ‘I will not allow you to go under any circumstances.’ Jimbo signalled to Titus to hurry up. ‘Have we got a key?’

  ‘Liz has. I’ll go and tell her.’

  While they were alone in the kitchen Jimbo whispered, ‘I know what I’m doing. I’ll explain when I get back.’

  Liz came down the stairs with Titus. When Jimbo saw the two of them together, sympathy for their situation enveloped him, causing him to say gruffly, ‘We’ll go in my car. It’s too far for Liz to walk, and with all her stuff to carry.’

  He reversed into the drive at Glebe House; that way they were much less in the public eye.

  But the first thing to delay them was the fact that Liz’s key didn’t fit the lock.

  Jimbo swore. ‘He’s changed the locks already. Round the back. Come on, Liz.’

  He found that the kitchen window was not quite locked shut, but when he’d got it open he knew he hadn’t a chance of getting through it. ‘Sorry, Titus, this looks like your call.’

  With a nimble spring Titus squeezed through, and was soon standing in the kitchen, unlocking the back door.

  ‘You go up, Liz,’ he said, ‘and give me a shout when you’ve got what you need.’

  When she’d gone upstairs, well out of hearing, Jimbo looked at Titus and raised his eyebrows. He shook his head and raised his hands helplessly.

  Jimbo needed to be told nothing more. ‘So sorry. So very sorry.’

  Titus said, with his lips almost tight shut, ‘I could kill him - and me a pacifist.’

  Jimbo ventured into the hall. It looked as though a bomb had dropped. Torn clothes were strewn everywhere and a mobile lay smashed to pieces alongside the hammer that had done the damage. Neville must have gone berserk.

  They heard Liz calling and Titus disappeared up the stairs two at a time.

  When they got back to Jimbo and Harriet’s, Titus carried her things upstairs and left Liz to put them away.

  Downstairs in the kitchen, he said to Jimbo and Harriet, ‘I look after a flat for a friend on the other side of Culworth, while he works abroad. I’ve rung him and he says Liz can stay there for a while, but I’ll have to go and look at the flat, collect any post, open the windows, see to the bed. He won’t be back until September. That’ll give us time. Thank you very much. I’ll be in touch.’

  Titus stood for a moment longer, as though knowing what he wanted to say but not being able to find the words. Finally he said, ‘You know who your friends are at times like these. Thank you. She doesn’t want people to know anything at all about what’s happened. Wants to protect him, you see.’ His voice became choked with his tears and he had to wait until he’d got control again. ‘So, if possible keep mum . . . she’s determined about the nursery - to continue, you know - and hopes to begin again on Monday. Angie had to manage for today. Liz can come and go between . . . between N-N-Neville coming and going from the office. Says it will help keep her sane.’

  ‘Fine. That’s a good thing. Leave her with us, and phone any time. Did she pick up her mobile from the house?’

  Titus hesitated. ‘No. It’s broken I’m getting her a new one tomorrow. Goodnight.’

  Liz stood at the top of the stairs and called, ‘Goodnight, Titus.’

  When he’d gone Harriet suggested Liz went to watch the TV in the sitting room. ‘We’ve got our new one - big screen, surround sound. Go and enjoy yourself.’ She gave her a gentle push, and Liz wandered off.

  In the kitchen Harriet asked Jimbo why he’d been so angry and refused to allow her to go with Liz.

  Jimbo perched on a bar stool, opened the biscuit tin, didn’t like the digestives that were in there, snapped the lid shut, and finally satisfied her curiosity.

  ‘I drove behind Neville all the way to Culworth this morning on his way to the office. How he got there without having a major accident I have no idea. You know what he’s normally like - sedate, slow, every archaic hand signal you could imagine. But this morning he drove like a madman. He was terrifying. Twice he almost knocked someone down, and I lost count of how many times he had to swerve. I didn’t want you to go in case, well, in case . . .’ He went to look out of the window. ‘She couldn’t bring her mobile because he’d attacked it with a hammer. A lot of her clothes were torn to shreds and thrown all about the hall and the staircase. Some photographs of her and the boys had been ripped apart, and their frames smashed. It was horrific.’

  Harriet began to tremble. ‘He always appears totally controlled as though nothing could ruffle his calm. No wonder Titus is so upset. What Neville did to her doesn’t bear thinking about.’

  ‘She hasn’t told you anything then?’

  Harriet shook her head. ‘Jimbo, what if he comes to the door looking for her?’

  ‘We’ll make sure he can’t get in. In fact, I’ll go round right now and lock everything - windows, doors, garage up-and-over, and personal door. I’m starving, by the way.’

  ‘I thought you’d had lunch out?’

  ‘I did, but I couldn’t eat much. Go and tell Fran not to open the door to anyone, please.’

  In fact, they did have to open the door because Grandmama was hammering on it. At first they assumed it was Neville, judging by the noise level, but when Jimbo peeped through their spy-hole he saw it was his mother. Seeing as she’d declared she wouldn’t speak to him ever again, he guessed they must be reconciled.

  She didn’t acknowledge him beyond a pat on his cheek as she whizzed by. Charging into the sitting room, she said, ‘You won’t believe it, but they’ve . . .’

  Her jaw dropped when she saw Liz. Instinct told her there was something very wrong because Liz looked so ghastly, so she didn’t say what she would have said. Instead she smiled at her. ‘What a lovely surprise you being here. You can be one of the first to hear my news. I have been working in collaboration with the Culworth police - and between us we have two antique dealers in the nick!’ She plumped herself down in Jimbo’s chair, intent on regaling them with the story.

  But Jimbo said, ‘Stop! Before you go any further, are you and I speaking?’

  ‘Why, of course we are. Why shouldn’t we be?’

  ‘When I received this severe wound,’ he pointed to the nasty cut still evident on his forehead, ‘you told me you were never speaking to me again.’

  ‘Ah! Well, I was very angry at the time. But I’ve got something better to do than bear grudges. So give me a kiss. There, that’s better. Where’s Fran?’

  ‘Just coming. She’s making us a pot of tea.’

  Rather too eagerly, Grandmama said, ‘I’ll go and give her a hand. We’ll need an extra cup.’ She sped into the kitchen, closing the door behind her. ‘Fran!’ she whispered. ‘Why is Liz here?’

  ‘I don’t know, Gran. Not even Mum knows. But she’s staying the night. She came before we got up this morning. Titus has been here, too.’

  ‘Now he’s what I call a loveable chap. Such a sweetheart, even if he has brought that damned market to Turnham Malpas. Have we got everything? The extra cup for me?’

  Jimbo went to draw the sitting-room curtains, glancing out before he did so. He saw that Titus’s car was outside the pub and Titus appeared to be walking towards Glebe House. Alarm bells rang. ‘Liz, Titus is here and he looks as though he’s intending to go to your house. Shall we sit tight?’

  Liz grabbed the arm of the sofa and made to get up, but sat back down again. ‘I can’t dare to go back to the house with him there. I just can’t.’

  Grandmama put an arm round her shoulders and said, ‘No need. I’ll go.’ She stood up. ‘Come along, Jimbo, we may be needed.’

  Jimbo hesitated. ‘Look here . . . I’m going by myself. If I’m not back in twenty minutes, get Peter to go to the house. Right? Not you, Harriet, nor you, Mother, nor you, Liz. Each one of you girls must
stay here. That’s an order.’

  When Jimbo got to Glebe House he found the front door ajar. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath and to listen. He could hear Titus’s quiet voice speaking reasonably, and no sound of Neville’s at all. The study door was slightly open, and, so they wouldn’t hear his footsteps, he walked carefully along the Persian runner, which went the length of the hall and right to the kitchen doorway. He could only hear snatches of phrases, or the odd word, and decided to stay out of the study and not interfere. Jimbo sat at Liz’s kitchen table and waited.

  It had all begun with Titus ringing the doorbell and Neville taking a few moments to get to the door. He was verging on being drunk, and when he saw who was standing at the door he reacted so violently that he slipped as he lunged at Titus, and needed a hand to save him from falling full-length out onto the path.